Home » An interview with Connor “Sliggy” Blomfield of EZSkins, part three.

An interview with Connor “Sliggy” Blomfield of EZSkins, part three.

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Part 1

Part 2

This third and final part of the interview is all about Sliggy and his role in coaching EZSkins.

Firstly what does being a Coach actually involve?


At the moment it hasn’t involved too much. It’s not like I can teach RattlesnK anything about the game that he already doesn’t know, it’s more trying to keep peace within the team and be a good middle man voice for any issues that arise. There are a few bits that are blatantly obvious to me that need to be worked on , but it will all come in time. I plan to be getting a lot more involved ingame with the team and I think it always help to have a person on the outside’s perspective on the game itself. I’ve been doing a lot of organizing and booking of hotels etc so it’s all quite new to me but I will get there.


What makes a good coach but also what makes a bad coach?


I think the coach completely differs from the 5 players that are in front of you. Coaching these guys differs a lot to coaching a team like Kinguin where they rely on their coach for in game calls. For me personally, making sure all players are happy, that everyone knows what they are doing, that comms are always up, keep the whole team motivated and pretty much give an outside perspective on the game, perhaps when to call for a tactical pause or even just something you have noticed about the tendencies of the opposing team




How does coaching affect the team dynamic in EZSkins?


I don’t think it affects it much at all really. Everyone knows their role. Its easier to coach a team that has been losing because you can focus on the bad points, every bad point in the team so far has been down too not being a team long enough to get everything down. So everything I know I could bring up is just purely due to that factor. In time I feel like my role will play bigger within the team but as of now it doesn’t affect the team’s dynamic in anyway yet.


How does someone get involved in coaching?


Coaching in my eyes is pretty much for players who aren’t good enough skill wise to be at the top end of the scene but have a good understanding of the game. They need to be able to know the team well and help them progress and spot small mistakes that can make a big difference to the outcome of the game. To get involved I think you have to not have the drive to be a top player and be fine with wanting the 5 to succeed themselves as you take a back row seat.


Lastly, any shout outs?


Shoutout to all the people supporting and playing on http://EZskins.com youve all been amazing, big shoutout too Greenman Gaming for their support also. Also special thanks to Max, Mike, Henry, Pickles and Kr0ny0 for all the hard work they have put in behind the scenes for the website.

I personally would like to extend a huge thanks to Sliggy for taking the time to do this interview.

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