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BehinDx: “We have a pretty low floor and a pretty high ceiling”

The Dane spoke to UKCSGO about the potential of DuckDuckGOOSE after their loss to K10 at the UKIC Division 1 LAN Finals.

by Dafydd

Tony “BehinDx” Luscombe might not be from the UK, but through playing with UK teams he has become intrigrated into the scene, even attending EPIC39 with Verdant. The Dane attended the UKIC LAN Finals with DuckDuckGOOSE, a suprise package who eliminated Viperio and were poised to upset the eventual champions K10. However the mental fortitude from K10 saw them mount an impressive comeback, helped by a momentum sucking tech pause, which elimanted the only orgless team there.

Later that evening, after the loss, UKCSGO caught up with BehinDx to talk about the match, his overall feelings at LAN, and his previous UK CS teams.

Let’s talk about that game, what were your expectations before facing K10?

We were pretty confident that we could win Mirage if they didn’t ban it in the veto, but we thought they were going to ban it and let Nuke through because we lost 13-1 to Verdant before that. But they didn’t want to risk it and we knew they were bad on Mirage and Ancient. That was our gameplan going into it. But we didn’t really expect to win, we hype ourselves up of course, but the expectation was not to win. It was to have fun and play good.

After that first map you went up 10-2, what was the emotions when it then all unravelled?

There was a tech pause for 25 or 30 minutes almost at halftime, and that kind of took our heads out of it. Some of the guys were talking about the final already and I was trying to keep people on the mindset that we still need finish the map first and obviously we didn’t. But it’s our worst map by far [Vertigo] so it wasn’t a bad performance at all.

What have been your overall feelings of this LAN?

It’s been really good, Endpoint has done everything to make us comfortable and set everything up correctly. I really like the vibes here, everybody is really nice.

Would you say you prefer this to a BYOC?

Ehhhh yeah probably. You can talk to people more here.

Before this team your last roster struggled a bit more, do you want to talk about why that was?

When I first joined them it was in April or May with ifan, Ziimzey, frazehh and isaac, and then we went 7-7 in Advanced so that was pretty good. But I think Frazeh wanted some changes so he brought in moshi, DeXteR and JAUSTERE and asked if I wanted to play with them, and I agreed to that. We didn’t really perform well at all, barely won any games. We had a really disappointing EPIC.LAN [EPIC.39] where we didn’t even make top 4. So I think the team before that was a better one, probably a bit more firepower and determination.

Compared to the previous teams you been on, what is the ceiling for this team?

That’s really hard to say. I think we have a pretty low floor and a pretty high ceiling. It’s really dependent on the day, how we play and how we are feeling in the moment.

Do you have any expectations on what is next for this roster?

Not yet. We haven’t discussed it properly yet.

Karrar was telling me that this team is one for the future, what kind of potential do you see in your teammates?

I think it’s mostly determination, resilience and a hunger to win. There is nobody that doesn’t want it.

How would you say your IGLing has changed since you last called, which wasn’t recently right?

I IGLed in 2020 to 2021 in Brondby Esports in the Danish league and I was with that team for like a year then I went to Sera, then another UK team with AdamJC. Then it was dripmen from there. It changed a lot from Brondby to here, there was about spawns and heavy set stuff, and here it is a bit more loose and playing off people’s confidence, taking timings and everybody feeling comfortable playing the game.

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