Home » Ducky: “I didn’t feel nervous today”

Ducky: “I didn’t feel nervous today”

Verdant win their debut game on stage versus Royal Signals.

by GrimyRannarr

Verdant recently signed “The Free” formerly under Viperio. They are making their debut on the stage at i71 as the first seed in ESL Premiership. A lot of people would have expected a sweep, and they delivered.

After their dominant victory, UKCSGO talks to Mohamad “Ducky” Nourelden who is one of their new signings alongside Andrew “Wolfie” Allan to talk about his first-ever game on a stage.

You have just won your first game on the stage beating Royal Signals. Firstly how does it feel to play your first-ever stage game and win?

It was very fun that is all I can say. It is nice seeing everyone watching. It is my first time in this whole environment?

Was it nerve-racking at all as it is not normally what you are used to? And could this have been a nice warmup for tomorrow?

Yeah definitely, I think tomorrow the nerves will kick In, but today I didn’t really feel that nervous.

Looking ahead, to your game versus Raptors AC, what are your expectations and thoughts?

They are a good team so we cannot let our guard down. I have played with them all for a long time and I hope to do well tomorrow. We expect to win but it can go any way.

Continuing on that point, you are playing on a stage versus your old team, does that make you want to do better?

Yeah for sure, I really want to beat them. They are the team we want to beat in this tournament besides Endpoint.

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