Home » MnM and CaZ esports claim next 2 ESL UK promotion spots.

MnM and CaZ esports claim next 2 ESL UK promotion spots.

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So the second ESL UK Premiership promotion qualifier finished on Tuesday, and it led to Molotovs and Marshmallows and CAZ eSports going through to the Promotion tournament. Once again, it featured a set of 64 teams, featuring the good and the… not so good, and then it was whittled down to our two qualifying teams.

Molotovs and Marshmallows managed to go through quite easily, beating unknown teams like gamevibe and SHOGUN ESPORTS (who caused an upset against Vipero in the first qualification tournament). They then managed a win against Solstice eSports and KFC B-DAY before reaching the semi-final, where they played a pretty close game against Reason.UK, which was not without its controversies including a bit of time where it was debated what to do when a pause did not happen. But, when that was sorted, the game continued and it went down to a 16-14 finish to send MnM to the Promotion tournament.

CAZ eSports, the only UK side in the ESEA Premier league (the league below the ESL ESEA Pro League (the one with lots of money)), are the next side through to the Promotion tournament. After a humiliating exit in the first tournament, where an upset occurred by being beaten by Xpra, who eventually went on to qualify at the end of the tournament. CAZ went up against the Irishmen of Riot Gaming in the round of 64, before facing AImperii and MixUK in the next two rounds of the day. The then went up against a well known name in uFrag.AF, beating them and then coming up against the side of 2seXeh in the Semis to confirm their place in the Promotion tournament.

So, for now, the 4 teams confirmed for the promotion tournament are Xpra, fish123, MnM and CAZ eSports, as well as the 5-8th places from the previous season. This leaves us with the Last-Chance qualifier which will bring through one more team, which (at the time of writing) looks like it would be Reason.UK, when you look at the rest of the competition so far confirmed.

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