Home » ReegaN joins Arctic Raptors

ReegaN joins Arctic Raptors

The i68 MVP is joining up with the Raptors after their demotion to Main.

by arnie

After a short stand-in period for the dripmen, Insomnia 68 winner and MVP Reegan “ReegaN” Ward has found a new home in Arctic Raptors. The move comes after Arctic Raptors parted ways with Seán “Atrox” Greene and William “wfn” Maskrey following their demotion from ESEA Advanced and third place finish at EPIC38.

ReegaN spent almost the entirety of 2022 with Temperate, later becoming eMasters, helping the team to their most successful period which culminated in winning a title over EKO in a gruelling Grand Final at Insomnia 68. This would be the peak for the roster as after the tournament Beau “fluFFs” Newton decided to retire and Marco “MMS” Salomone would be called up to join the EKO core to form the future Viperio squad.

ReegaN has long been touted as one of the most mechanically talented players in the scene, however, previous notions of attitude issues have held back the young player from fully flourishing as a star. Interestingly, the rifler has yet to be on a top squad with a dedicated coach and in joining up with Arctic Raptors he will work alongside Daniel “papp” Hart. It will be interesting to see if his new coach can offer him the right mentorship to help ReegaN develop this facet of his game.

After this exciting addition Arctic Raptors will now only be looking for one as they need to find a replacement AWPer for the team, for now the AR roster is as follows:

Rasmus “zodi” Frølich
Mohamad “Ducky” Nourelden
Euan “synergii” Wilson
Reegan “ReegaN” Ward

Daniel “papp” Hart (Coach)

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