The first day of the UKIC Season 0 LAN Finals was a great success, full of fantastic gameplay, incredible content, and casters in questionable jumpers. UKCSGO were lucky to be helped out by photographer, Harry Cornish, who spent the day capturing the beautiful chaos. Here is a collection of his favourite photos from day one.

The casters get ready for a day of content

Tree60 and yz0 enjoy their time on the casting coach

Zodi is all smiles as his coach Papp gets a double entry

The only orgless team in attendance are relishing their time on LAN

Fl0wz begins to regret his decision as Taz shaves his head on stream

DuckDuckGOOSE celebrate their victory over Viperio

Tree60 plays guess the team by the flags (badly) on stream

Papp and MMS have a good laugh alongside Zola

Endpoint’s HQ needs major repairs after MMS shook the foundations with his screaming

A little bit of trolling from Viperio…

Wolfie celebrates as Verdant win a round against DuckDuckGOOSE

Check out the rest of our photos in our gallery by clicking the link, here.