Home » m0g steps away, Clique back down to four

m0g steps away, Clique back down to four

After a close loss in Main playoffs Morgan "m0g" Butler has decided to take a break from the game.

by arnie

Clique had made an impressive run through ESEA Main this season, securing themselves a 10-4 finish and setting themselves up for a run at Advanced qualification. However, losses to MVP CYBER and Aurora Young Blood left them knocked out agonizingly close to promotion.

After Clique failed to qualify for ESEA Morgan “m0g” Butler announced on Twitter that he will be taking a step away from competitive Counter-Strike.

The news comes just over a month after m0g re-joined Clique for the season as a replacement for Fizan “Fizzy” Anjum after initially stepping away from the team in October 2022 as he wasn’t enjoying the game. m0g was also part of the Wales team that played in the IESF World Championship in Bali at the end of last year, placing 9-16th.

This won’t be the last we see of m0g, as he also revealed on Twitter that he plans to stay connected to the scene through playing in mixes and attending LANs.

With this loss Clique will have the following roster:

Lewis “Ziimzey” Coleman
Mohammed “Mophoria” Abbas
Christopher “VireZ” Wegmann
Elias “Rack” Karttunen

Sebastian “Wajk” Wikholm (Coach)

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