Home » OblivionXC left without a rifler

OblivionXC left without a rifler

Earl takes a step back from his British-Benelux project.

by GrimyRannarr

After a slightly lacklustre start in ESEA Main, only having won one game in overtime out of four, OblivionXC’s misfortune continues just 18 days since coming together.

This squad leading into this season looked very promising when they rounded out their roster with the AWP/IGL Benjamin “Klay” Hurst alongside their Dutch talents who are loaded with potential. However, early on in the ESEA season, Earl “Earl” Stephenson left his own project due to scheduling issues. In a TwitLonger Earl states:

My schedule unfortunately doesn’t fit with a team dedicated as them, and they are a team with so much potential to grow and I don’t wanna stop them from doing that.

A big loss for OblivionXC as Earl comes not only with experience but big fragging potential which has shaken many teams at EPIC.LANs. Earl is best known in the UK scene for bringing mixes to LAN and leading them to consistent top-four placements, upsetting some of the better teams. Outside of the UK scene, the rifler has played with Alan “yOOm” Groot in the ESL Proximus Benelux Season 14 Finals under the LowLandLions banner in Brussels. The IGL/Rifler will still be looking to slot into another team.

Earl playing with Vitalize at EPIC.LAN 38

In the meantime, OblivionXC will be looking for another rifler to fit into Earl’s roles. The Dutch-British mix will continue to compete in the ESEA Main and any upcoming tournaments.

OblibionXC now looks like:

Benjamin “Klay” Hurst
Oskar “oskvr” Myszka
Alan “yOOm” Groot
Philong “Philong” Nguyen

Stanoski (coach)

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