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Team Infused announce new roster

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Team Infused have today announced through Twitter that they have signed some new faces to their vacant team slot. There are a lot of surprising moves happening in the scene currently, mostly because the new league seasons are starting up and with Gfinity Elite Series delayed till the late Summer, then teams are trying to form from the dust of previous ones.

Here is the biggest surprise of them all, James “redSNK” Littlewood, has come out of retirement, along with Sam “RattlesnK” Gawn. Together they have built a team of an interesting composition.

The team has seemingly been built out of literally nowhere, as there was very little warning of this happening prior to the announcement today. Elliot “Sed” Brown and Michael “Duck” Moriarty both wondered in their recorded video on youtube (that has yet to go up) who Infused would pick up, but neither had realised it would be one that included some former retired players and three others who have been out of the picture for a while (in terms of UK Scene developments).

The last official appearance from Sam “RattlesnK” Gawn (left) was under EZSKINS in 2015.

To talk about the team with little respect would be a bad thing to do, but there shouldn’t be any introductions to former Championship Gaming Series winner, Sam “RattlesnK” Gawn, and multiple epic.LAN, and iSeries winner James “redSNK” Littlewood. The other three to join their roster are interesting to say the least, Robin “robiin” Sjögren has frequently participated in a whole host of UK rosters, from Jake “jakem” McCausland rosters to Team Infused of old. He has been around the block and was last sighted in the Manatee drama which saw late salary payments from the organisation and was spoken widely about on the CS:GO subreddit.

Meanwhile, Michael “MCK” Macdonald, was a former United Estonia player who featured in the ESL Premiership line up from 2016 that saw them clinch a title, he was last seen playing for exceL eSports. He was one of the more formidable players in the United Estonia team, whilst not the superstar, he held his own incredibly well and managed to light up the ESL stage a few times.

Finally, the remaining piece of the puzzle is Aaron “AaroN” Hemmings, someone who has been in Team Infused before, and has often held his own ground against some of the UK’s best and brightest. Aaron will be no stranger to what lies ahead.

In a statement on the Team Infused website, James had this to say;

I am thrilled to be back apart of Team Infused for 2017, playing alongside good friends and strong players with the support of Team Infused. As a team we have to work hard and focus on qualifying for the UK Masters, ESL Premiership and prepare ourselves for the Gfinity Elite Series later this year.

With the support of Gfinity, UK teams such as ours are given such a special opportunity to challenge and develop not only as a team but individually, instilling a confidence in being a part of the wider CS:GO scene. I cannot thank Andy and Alan enough for their continuing support and faith in being able to achieve our goals.

Following on from that, Andrew Christoforu, CEO Of Team Infused had this to say;

Today, we are pleased to announce our new Infused CSGO roster. Having worked with many of the players in the past they bring a wealth of experience to the organisation that should prove invaluable as we strive to progress in all competitions, with our primary focus around the Gfinity Elite Series.

Team Infused are as follows:

James “redSNK” Littlewood
Aaron “AaroN” Hemmings
Michael “MCK” Macdonald
Robin “robiin” Sjögren
Samuel “RattlesnK” Gawn

We will continue to cover the UK team shuffles as much as possible, so make sure you stay tuned to UKCSGO for all the latest information regarding the scene. Make sure you follow us on Twitter and like us on Facebook so you are truly up to date.

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