Here in the UK we know how to have a laugh and our Counter-Strike scene is no different – case and point; Granny Knockers and the BINMEN. Both communities remind …
EPIC.LAN has announced that EPIC.40 will be played on CS2, the first LAN in the UK to use the new game. The upcoming LAN, which also sees EPIC return home, …
A commentator, bricklayer and freestyle rapper, Jack “Jacky” Peters has blessed our screens and ears with his charismatic casting for almost a decade now. Casting his first ESL UK Premiership …
- EPIC.LANFeatureInterview
Dobbo on winning EPIC39: “I think our individuals were just way, way better than theirs”
by Tom Colesby Tom ColesWilliam “dobbo” Dobson joined mix team The Neighbours for EPIC39, along with his former Into the Breach team-mates Adam “Adam9130” Ahmad and Owen “smooya” Butterfield. Despite losing to 7AM in …
Owen “smooya” Butterfield was the favourite to take home his sixth title and he did not disappoint his fans. Though mix team The Neighbours were diverted to the lower bracket …
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WundA: “I’ve been shat on more times than most people have had hot dinners”
by Joshamptonby Joshampton7AM have had a turbulent journey since their entrance into the scene in 2022, showing they mean business taking down Limitless and snatching a map off of EG White at …
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The [noisy] Neighbours claim EPIC39 glory over 7AM
by Joshamptonby JoshamptonIt was The Neighbours who pulled through in the EPIC.LAN 39 grand final, after a comfortable first and third map showing. Despite being lauded as the favourite coming into the …
After groups comes the double-elimination play-offs. There were upsets in groups, but this is where things get properly heated, as teams face the reality that a win could put them …
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GodkU: “We were walking back home from a night out [when we decided to go to EPIC]”
by Joshamptonby JoshamptonA clinical rifler and respected shot-caller without an org in the UK scene, a story as old as time itself it seems. Luckily, powering through with stubbornness, Joe “godkU” Fowkes …
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ghil: “This was my LAN to come in, Ruby League King, but my entire team are just carrying me”
by Dafyddby DafyddBen “ghil” Nicholson is a well-known character in the UK scene, known for his jokey attitude and blundering his way into a clip every LAN. Well this LAN he’s no …