Home » epicLAN 27 – Final and Final Standings

epicLAN 27 – Final and Final Standings

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epicLAN 27 has been and gone, and the £4000 event has seen it’s winners crowned handing £2250 to leading mix team fish123.

The Grand Final saw fish123 face off against Buzzkill, the first and second seeded teams playing each other. Due to the consolidation final being brought to Sunday morning, the format of the grand final was changed. What was once a best-of-five with the upper bracket team receiving a map advantage, turned to a best-of-three with fish123 receiving a free pick. This led to Mirage, Dust2 and Overpass being selected for the final.

Mirage was the opening match, and the first half was a close one. After fish123 picked up the pistol round, it was Buzzkill who reset the following round and took an initial lead. However they kept on fighting and eventually Buzzkill were only able to take a one round lead into the second half. From there, it looked like a strong start as Buzzkill picked up two off the bat, but it wasn’t too long until fish123’s sheer quality overturned the deficit and started to race off into the lead. Buzzkill were only able to secure one more round as Mirage fell 16-12 to the top seeded team.

Dust2 followed, and it was once again an extremely close map. In a mirror of Mirage, it was fish123 who took a strong lead at the start of the game, just for Buzzkill to come back and eventually take a one round lead at the break. From there, the two teams looked inseparable and even when robiin made a small mistake defending an A-site bomb plant, fish123 battled back into the lead. From there they only dropped one more round before cruising to match point and the win, in part thanks to a Kryptix 3k in the final round.

fish123 2-0 Buzzkill
Mirage 16-12 | Dust2 16-11 | Overpass

The Demos from epicLAN 27 are available on the website.

The full standings for epicLAN 27 are below:

1st: fish123 – £2250 + Five tickets to epic28
2nd: Buzzkill – £1150 + 5 x £20 ticket discount to epic28

3rd: DarkSpawn – £450 + 5 x £10 ticket discount to epic28
4th: Bulldog – £150 + 5 x £10 ticket discount to epic28

5/6th: Demise
5/6th: John Howard
7/8th: CeX
7/8th: The Giant Squid

9-12th: BEANZ
9-12th: Operation Aesthetics
9-12th: Legion
9-12th: ProjectX

13-16th: GettingGrouped
13-16th: 72virgins
13-16th: imigrant
13-16th: SCUZZERZZ

17th-20th: Inflamed.gg
17th-20th: OMEN
17th-20th: Lose Weight Not Games
17th-20th: SmileyPopcorn

21st-24th: soz4owned
21st-24th: Over Aggressive Players
21st-24th: !CRUNCH
21st-24th: Cat Trust

25th-28th: 200 Knives
25th-28th: kindabadderz
25th-28th: Pintos
25th-28th: Mercish Delight

29th-32nd: Purple Aki’s Muscle Touchers
29th-32nd: WOKE BOIZ
29th-32nd: We use Windows Explorer
29th-32nd: Rat Pack

The next UK BYOC LAN will be Insomnia65, at the NEC, Birmingham on 23rd-26th August. A CS:GO tournament is yet to be formally announced, with details as of yet unknown, but is expected to take place. Tickets are on sale now for the Birmingham event.

The next epicLAN will be epicLAN 28, utilising the larger sports hall in the Kettering Conference Centre taking place between 10th-13th October. Full details on the CS:GO event are to be announced, however tickets are on sale now.

We collected three interviews from epicLAN 28, with Jon “winbar” Winkle, MD of epicLAN, EMPEROR and Dream from Bulldog and commentator CodyCasts. These will be released over the coming weeks.

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