Home » Everything we need to know about Counter-Strike 2

Everything we need to know about Counter-Strike 2

After many teasers we finally have official news.

by GrimyRannarr

Over the last few weeks there has been an incredible amount of hype around CS:GO through database updates, hidden blog changes, banner changes on Twitter and masses of internet personalities hoping on Counter-Strike all because of Source 2.

Today, at long last, we finally have an answer. In the Summer of 2023, Valve will release Source 2 as a free upgrade to the pre-existing game, this is what we know about it already.

Smoke Grenades

In the words of Valve, they have made smoke grenades “dynamic”. Normally when a smoke grenade has bloomed, it is static and covers a particular area. However, that has all changed. Now we can see that when you shoot or throw HE grenades into the smoke the original shape can get carved to create gaps behind momentarily, providing a whole new level of depth into the game.

Moreover, smoke grenades have also been updated to fill up spaces naturally, going down and upstairs and expanding into long corridors. Another feature which is prominent in this update is the visual upgrades and this applies to smoke particles whereby they react to light in a more realistic way.

Tick rate overhaul

Previous to this update there has been a large demand for Valve to update Matchmaking tick rates to 128 which is used in competitive play and on platforms like Faceit and ESEA. However, with Source 2 it appears Valve has found a solution to this “moving beyond tick rates”.

The evaluation of moving and shooting has been updated and is now going to be more seamless with sub-tick updates. What this means is that “what you see, is what you get”.

Upgrades people upgrades

The final part of the update that we know about is the new look we shall be seeing. Valve split this into three parts, the first being ‘Touchstone’:

Touchstone maps are the older maps that people have played for years and will not be changed apart from character read and lighting, therefore, allowing players to directly see the difference in Source 2 gameplay.

The next is Upgrades. These maps are now using Source 2 Lighting the maps produce more realistic reflections, materials and lighting. From the examples they have shown on their website, it appears that the maps have become brighter and a lot of shadowed areas have been optimised, making gameplay clearer than it already is.

Finally, we have Overhauls. Unlike Touchstones, this is targeting some of the older maps leveraging all the tools that Source 2 has to offer. These will also be on offer to the community members to create new maps.

Overall, there don’t seem to be direct changes to any of the maps that are in the competitive map pool, however, the lighting and character read changes are promised to make the game feel brand new.

There is more to come from Counter-Strike 2 and UKCSGO will keep you updated in just a few months.

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