Home » Havoc for Havik as team splits

Havoc for Havik as team splits

As a wise philosopher once said: another one bites the dust.

by Tom Coles

The UKCS roster shuffle has claimed another victim as Havik have decided to go their separate ways. Work commitments outside the game for in-game leader and founding member Elliott “fett1s” Fettis appear to have been a factor in the decision, as the team folds before the end of their second season in ESEA Main.


Havik’s roster formed in ESEA Open Season 42, originally as a mix with Harry “haznoodle” Rubython and Fredrik “fredde” Soderqvist. Following their promotion to Main, however, the team made a conscious effort to improve, with fredde parting ways over concerns about his motivation and haznoodle leaving due to his own work commitments. 

A 7-7 record in season 43 of Main painted a promising picture, and the core of fett1s, Vizion and Igor “Igorek” Kochany re-signed with Havik in January alongside Alexander “alx” Johansson & Oskar “oskvr” Myszka “for ESEA Main Season 44 and more”. The team sits on a 5-6 record in ESEA, albeit with two FFWs to their name, making it unlikely they will reach their pre-season goal of a play-off spot. They did not attend EPIC.38, though Igorek became the second highest-rated player at the event* playing with the GENGXR mix.

haznoodle has tweeted that he and Igorek own the Main spot and are looking to build a new team, though the 16 year-old AWPer has said he is open to other proposals. oskvr will be joining a new project from ex-Vitalize players Earl “Earl” Stephenson and Benjamin “Klay” Hurst, while Vizion has announced he is open to any offers.

*Stats by twitter.com/Mischief_CSGO

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