Home » Into The Breach reclaim spot in ESL Premiership Closed Qualifier

Into The Breach reclaim spot in ESL Premiership Closed Qualifier

After being unavailable for the first round of qualifiers the reigning champs return.

by Joshampton

Into The Breach missed out on the first round of the ESL Premiership Closed Qualifiers last weekend and with only Thomas “Thomas” Utting repping the United Kingdom within the team, it didn’t come as much of a surprise. The current holders of the ESL Premiership title will instead attempt to make their way through the second Closed Qualifier tomorrow, in hopes of reaching the LAN finals at Insomnia in September.

Last weekend saw Viperio shock the scene when they booked their ticket to the ESL Premiership LAN finals at the first time of asking, taking down a map-unbeaten Endpoint. This means Into The Breach will most certainly have to dig deep going into the second round of qualifiers, especially with their ESL Premiership Spring Grand Final opponents, Endpoint still in the mix.

With the ESL Premiership rulebook stating that each line-up must consist of a minimum of three players that reside within the United Kingdom and/or Ireland, Into The Breach will be playing with William “dobbo” Dobson and James “bevve” Slinn and placing Lithuanian rifler, Aurimas “Bymas” Pipiras on the bench for ESL Premiership matches. dobbo and bevve come into the ITB roster after winning the recent EPIC.39 with The Neighbours mix.

The Into The Breach roster for the ESL Premiership Closed Qualifiers will be:

Thomas “Thomas” Utting
Karol “rallen” Rodowicz
Joey “CRUC1AL” Steusel
William “dobbo” Dobson (Stand-in)
James “bevve” Slinn (Stand-in)

Martin “trace” Heldt (Coach)

Aurimas “Bymas” Pipiras (Substitute)

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