Home » Launch of 24/7 UK CSGO events stream

Launch of 24/7 UK CSGO events stream

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Today, we’re happy to announce the launch of our 24/7 stream dedicated to UK CSGO events. This stream will provide round the clock replays from throughout the history of the UK CSGO scene.

The lovely people at epicLAN are the first to jump on board this stream, providing us with replays of epic15, epic20 and epic21. We are also in talks with a number of other UK event providers so hope to be adding more variety soon.

With the successes of ESL’s 24 hour stream of CS:GO events, as well as there being no central way to watch all the CSGO action from multiple UK LAN events over the past few years, we believe bringing out one live stream dedicated to everything UKCSGO would improve access and exposure to our scene.

The live stream will always be available to see the right of the website, allowing you to constantly check in on which streams are available. This will currently be made up of the epicLAN repository but as the stream continues on we plan to bring out more tournaments to increase the variety of our live streaming capabilities.

Don’t forget that you can also help support this stream and gain access to the infamous 3 ukcsDuck 3 emote by subscribing to our Twitch channel. Tune into the 24/7 VOD stream over on Twitch, twitch.tv/ukcsgo

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