Home » Favourites through as Leicester 5 take top seed

Favourites through as Leicester 5 take top seed

UKCSGO brings you live coverage of all the action over the Insomnia weekend.

by arnie

Leicester 5 take the top spot beating EKO to stay undefeated -8:00pm

The top seeds fought it out in a back and forth game on Vertigo eventually finish 16-10 to the mix squad. The EKO roster make it through to playoffs regardless with their 4-1 record and join Temperate, 1fredde and ONE HAG in the top spots giving them a BYE and the benefit of a later start for the playoffs tomorrow.

Leicester 5 vs EKO in penultimate round – 6:30pm

The top two seeds are fighting it out in what is likely a preview to the final (barring any major upsets) both teams have looked fairly comfortable so far and are undefeated.

Leicester 5 vs EKO
Temperate vs Dad ?
Horus esports vs P
ONE HAG vs Could be your dad
1fredde vs walls ice cream esports
united kingdom colonial marines vs OldMEN
Man vs Ocelot
The BINMEN vs KillerInstincts
British Army vs TASRAC

ONE HAG upset Temperate in first upset of the day – 6:00pm

Temperate find themselves on the losing end of the first shock of the day after being bested by Shuaib “Shoobie” Saddique’s ONE HAG; who played under the Temperate banner at the start of the year.
(1-0 has replaced scoreline when match score is unavailable, at present, but result is known)

EKO 16-9 1fredde
Leicester 5 16-8 Ocelot
Temperate 6-16 ONE HAG
Man 16-10 United Kingdom Colonial Marines
Dad ? 16-7 KillerInstincts
Horus esports 16-0 Team Kaos
P 16 – 5 OldMEN
TASRAC 1-0 kQ.Gaming
Could be your dad 1-0 BINMEN
Beef fo’ Breakie 0-1 British Army

First round three match-ups decided, 1fredde to play EKO – 5:00pm

The matchups for round three have been announced;

walls ice cream eSports 1-0 BYE
EKO VS 1fredde
tasrac vs kQ. Gaming
could be your dad vs BINMEN
Beef fo Brekkie vs British Army Esports
OldMEN vs P
Temperate vs ONE HAG
Ocelot vs Leicester 5
Team Kaos vs Horus esports
KillerInstincts vs Dad ?
United Kingdom Colonia vs Man

The BINMEN, Leicester 5, EKO, 1fredde and Temperate all pickup Round 2 wins – 4:30pm

Much like Round 1 the second set of games threw up very few surprises, meaning the favourites are poised to take over in the first set of qualification matchups.

The BINMEN breezed through their second round battle, with a 16-2 dismantling of the British Army team. Meanwhile, Leicester 5 featuring EPIC36 winners Jack “JackB” Burton and Rory “cryths” Ursell were forced to wait 30 minutes in their matchup with Horus esports due to more server issues.

The Leicester 5 squad ended up winning a back and forth game 16-12. Temperate, EKO and 1fredde all join them in the 2-0 pool with qualification match-ups around the corner.

Leicester 5 vs Horus headlines Round 2 match-ups – 2:30pm

After a bit of delay and some sustained server issues, the round 2 match-ups have started with intriguing matchups. Leicester 5 vs Horus and 1fredde vs P are games to keep your eye on, with The BINMEN looking to pickup their first win against British Army Esports.

Leicester 5 vs Horus
EKO vs KillerInstincts
ONE HAG vs Dad ?
P vs 1fredde
Ocelot vs walls ice cream eSports
Temperate vs OldMEN
Team Kaos 1-0 Bye
Beef fo Brekkie vs Could be your dad
kQ.Gaming vs United Kingdom Colonial Marines

Round 1 finished, no massive upsets – 2pm

All the seeded teams came out of stage one unscathed which has led to some potentially spicy match-ups in round two. Two of the favourites in Temperate and Leicester 5 eased their way through the opening stage.

Round 1 results:
EKO 1-0 bye
Leicester 5 16-9 man
Temperate 16-7 could be your dad
1fredde 16-6 uk colonial marines
ONE HAG 16-0 walls ice cream esports
Horus esports 16-1 tasrac
ocelot 16-0 beef fo brekkie
p 16-5 The BINMEN
oldmen 16-3 kq gaming
killerinstincts 16-3 british army esports
team kaos 4-16 dad?

Round 1 gets started – 12pm

After some classic first day LAN issues with servers and vetoing, the first round of matches have finally kicked off.

With Insomnia using the swiss format for groups it is unlikely for there to be any major upsets in round one. EKO being seeded number one means they get a free pass to the 1-0 stage with a chance to scout out their potential opposition.

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