Reason Gaming announces “A Fresh Start” as they sign a new roster for UKIC Divison 1 Season 5 and ESEA Main for 2025. Reason Gaming ended up having a very …
On the 16th of September 2024, K10 announced on X that they would close their doors and were open to takeover offers. A shock to many, K10’s sudden demise raised …
- EPIC.LANInterview
fett1s: “For [Rhys] prospectively it is a great choice, for me, screwed”
by GrimyRannarrby GrimyRannarrThe Last Resort has had a bumpy time coming into EPIC.LAN 42. With people constantly on holiday and having to play with stand-ins, their turbulence was further accentuated by their …
- Interview
Fizzy: “[AdamJC] gives me the most freedom I have ever seen”
by GrimyRannarrby GrimyRannarrFizan “Fizzy” Anjum recently joined The Last Resort after being on DuckDuckGoose, the mix who qualified for the UKIC Season 0 Finals at the end of last year. Now with his …
The Last Resort was founded in 2003 and has become a well-known brand in UK esports, it has housed many UK Counter-Strike players overs the years including Marco “MMS” Salomone, …
10 months after first signing for K10, Adam “AdamJC” Colwell and company will be looking for a new home. The team is well-known within the UK, with a number of …
After a short period of time without a fifth, K10 have confirmed their new AWPer. In comes James “Flicky” Errington to complete the team, as they went into a rebuilding …