Endpoint has been a staple of UK CS for years, no matter how doom and gloom it looked Endpoint was there to save the day. However as of today the …
After an unfortunate turn of events in 5W, Thomas “Thomas” Utting will be returning to tier one Counter-Strike with OG at the BLAST Premier Fall Groups 2024. The question is …
Endpoint and picking up an Israeli rifler to fill a gap when one of their players gets poached has been synonymous over the last few years. However, the British organisation …
Nikita “HeavyGod” Martynenko departs Endpoint after just over a year with the organisation. He becomes the third Israeli player to move on from Endpoint alongside Guy “NertZ” Iluz and Shahar”flameZ” Shushan, …
After Endpoint decided to revamp their roster during the off-season with the addition of young-gun Henrich “sl3nd“ Hevesi on the AWP and Oscar “AZUWU“ Bell, they have finalised their roster with Canadian …
Whilst Into the Breach are being picked apart by bigger international rosters, Endpoint are going back to their roots by creating a UK majority roster. Today Endpoint announced the fifth …