Last month, Warwick University Esports announced their partnership with Chillblast in the form of a £2000 CS:GO Championship for UK students, taking advantage of the university’s state of the art …
The British organisation have benched their roster after a string of disappointing results in the last few months. The news comes after a loss for the team in the semi-final …
In an interview with UKCSGO, James “bevve” Slinn spoke to Dafydd Gwynn about playing EPIC LAN with big names such as Owen “smooya” Butterfield and Thomas “Thomas” Utting, and how …
Owen “smooya” Butterfield led his teammates to victory after a decisive final match against Buzzkill Esports. This means that fish123 will walk away with £2250 + five tickets to epicLAN …
I’d like to briefly thank @mattys_gaming for creating a visualisation of all historical veto and win percentage information for each team attending the Major, from which much of the following information is …
With the FACEIT Major Challenger stage set to start today, we wanted to have a look at the UK representation in London and weigh up their chances at the tournament. …
Less than a month ago, Tom “jenko” Jenkinson was announced as the fifth man for the epsilon lineup, giving the squad a majority UK roster. While earning themselves the spot …
Epsilon have added former Method player Tom “jenko” Jenkinson to their roster, Owen “smooya” Butterfield unveiled on twitter this morning. He is set to be replacing Cosmin “cosmeeeN” Mihai in the roster, …
For our teams to continue to progress, we always need to be looking to the future and toward our new talent in the UK CSGO scene. This article contains a …
We are one week away from the UK Masters grand final, hosted at Insomnia Gaming Festival i60, and the mix team fish123 have found themselves a home. Radix eSports have …