Home » eMy “We weren’t expecting to win it, let’s be honest, they’ve been pretty unreal”

eMy “We weren’t expecting to win it, let’s be honest, they’ve been pretty unreal”

The eMasters AWPer reflects on his teams blistering t-side on Nuke, upsetting in-form Viperio

by Joshampton

eMasters have suffered from their own successful run as they lost Marco “MMS” Salomone to Viperio and Beau “fluFFs” Newton decided to hang up his mouse. After bringing on board Jack “DeXter” Hepple and Harry “moshi” Raines eMaters pulled off a upset win over former teammate MMS as they beat Viperio in ESL Premiership, UKCSGO.com spoke to Emyr “eMy” Green about the win, the new roster and the teams plans for the end of the year.


A huge win yesterday for you guys as a team, especially coming off some bad results at EPIC.LAN. Can you talk me through the win?

Yeah. Well, we knew it’d be like Nuke or Overpass, so we just played, well, we just prepared for them both profusely. We knew our Nuke was strong anyway, so we prepared on Overpass just in case. But I think Nuke for us, generally, I think we saw at LAN that it’s kind of a map right now where we just kind of beat everyone on, except in ESEA actually, we got banged in ESEA, but yeah, so far it’s so far Nuke’s been the map where we’re most comfortable on.

We brought two new players in and they’re both really comfortable in the positions we brought them in. As for mrhui calling as well, I think that’s his best map for calling and he’s really good at finding timings outside and stuff. We got a good start, we kept winning lucky rounds to be fair. There’s two or three rounds where we’ve won where it could have gone either way and then that that changes the entire half and it could have gone to them. To be honest, when we got about eight runs ahead, I think it was at one point, the confidence was flowing and it’s really hard for a team to get back then.

Were you expecting this performance out of your opponents?

We weren’t expecting to win it, let’s be honest, they’ve been pretty unreal in the Kayzr League. I think they’d just beaten Genk on Nuke. We literally went in there, we told each other like no pressure, we’re the underdogs, we can just play our style, and it worked, I guess.

Talking about Husky, he got voted the ESL MVP of the day. How helpful is it for you as a team to have the new guy perform so well.

Yeah, we’re really happy with husky so far, he’s just come in, we’ve given him most of the roles he wants, so I think he feels really comfortable and he’s calling stuff himself, which is really nice. I think the main thing is he feels comfortable in a team and that’s where he can do his plays. It showed yesterday, where he had a bit of freedom. I know in a few of his previous team’s he’s been on anchor roles and stuff.

This is going back a little bit now, you lost MMS, who you now just beat. How much has the structure changed with this new lineup?

When we had MMS he was pretty much, especially on CT, he would pretty much call a lot of the maps he’d have all the info and everything. We obviously really enjoyed the time with him. We brought in DeXter as well whose I’d say as vocal as MMS as well, where if he sees like a read or something, he will just call it. Same with husky as well, to be fair. With this team, I’d say all five of us pitch in and then obviously mrhui just does all the IGLing stuff. Ideally in a team, you want everyone to pitch in and that that’s what it feels like at the moment. It’s not just relying on the IGL to call everything, everyone just pitches in.

DeXter’s come in as a rifler and you’re keeping that AWP role. How comfortable are you feeling on it and what’s the dynamic with Dexter coming in?

For myself, I’m feeling pretty good at the moment with the AWP, there’s a few games where I just need to be more consistent, but I’d say I’m pretty comfortable at the moment. I played with DeXter about two years ago when he was rifler and he was probably one of the best riflers I’ve ever played with.

We brought him in because we knew he could be that like strong rifler. For him, it’s just how comfortable he is. He’s been AWPing for about a year, I think. It’s just trying to make sure he’s comfortable in the rifle roles mostly. Which he’s been playing really well so far, so it’s really nice to see.

With the momentum of this behind you, what are your expectations for the rest of 2022?

Our goal is obviously to make playoffs in Main. That’s our main goal to obviously get the chance to make Advanced. I think that’s number one goal for us at the moment. There’s quite a few UK teams now in Advanced and we also like to join them and hopefully teams like ROYALS and stuff can join them as well and we’d have about six teams in Advanced, which would be really good. In ESL Premiership obviously now with that win, before that we were probably doubting that we could make playoffs, but that win’s boosted us now, where I think we just need to beat XRAVEL and then there’s gonna be like some weird, like four way tie, because everyone’s lost a game now. We got Into The Breach, Legates and XRAVEL left. ITB’s obviously tough XRAVEL is too. Legates actually put good showing against ITB, so it’s not exactly easy. Just try and make playoffs in both leagues, I guess.

How high would you say your confidence is right now?

Right now? I hate to say. Because it might just be every team gets to like a honeymoon period, where they bring new players in and they just all gel instantly. We haven’t really had the tough games. We have to see, obviously confidence is very high after yesterday, let’s just hope we can build on it.

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