Home » Shaney Returns

Shaney Returns

Previously known as NHR, the Sorex-led squad find a new home with the Scottish organisation.

by meffew

The core of Sorex, Alex “f0cus” James and Michael “ZAL” Chapman have played together both formally and casually over the past few years, in various mix teams and ESEA League teams, such as NHR in the previous season of ESEA Main. Their first new pickup is a very familiar face to UKCS, Shane “shaney” Smith. shaney was last seen playing in FPL and substituting for various high-tier UK teams, however, his subsequent removal from the circuit and birth of his first child prompted him to retire from competition.

They are joined by Abed “dodz” Mohtar, a Lebanese player relatively unknown to the UK scene who played with the trio in ESEA Main under NHR last season. He is currently listed as a substitute, with Sorex explaining his move to a substitute position, and their search for a permanent fifth to round out their roster.

NHR finished with an 8-6 scoreline in the previous season of ESEA Main, narrowly missing out on playoffs. They look to recover from the unfortunate departure of Zahar “Polbandana” Siledchyk, who topped the stat charts for the team last season with an impressive 101 ADR. With the wealth of experience gained in the signing of shaney, as well as dodz’s move to a substitute position, the team look to improve upon their previous outings and make a statement in this season of Main.

Under Sorex’s leadership, Sinister will compete with:

Jack “Sorex” Renton Cooper
Alex “f0cus” James
Micahel “ZAL” Chapman
Shane “shaney” Smith
Abed “dodz” Mohtar (substitute)

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