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TLR drop their CSGO Roster

With epicLAN just round the corner TLR exit the scene

by Adam Heath

EpicLAN is just over two weeks away, and while most organisations and teams would be pushing to get the best performance out of their team, TLR decided to remove itself from the UK CSGO scene by dropping their CSGO team.

The roster finished the last ESEA Main season with a modest 10-4 win/loss, and are currently in the Main playoffs with one win and one loss, now playing under the name Eternal Pain.

The speed at which TLR made the decision not to continue with the CSGO roster took them by surprise. The team were expecting their contracts to be extended after positive talks with TLR. Instead TLR decided to terminate their contracts ending their time with the organsation. They are however not letting this dampen their spirits and they have committed to staying as a team and continue to attend epicLAN thanks to TLR gifting them the tickets they’d already booked for them.

Team Statement

As you can guess we were all shocked and confused that such a rash decision was made but there was probably more internal conflicts inside the organisation as after the decision was made to drop us 2 general managers instantly left the org. Going forward we’re happy with our current 5 which is MMS, eMy, ReegaN, Fluffs and MRHUI and still currently looking for an org to represent!

For the future we’re currently in main playoffs and hoping to make advanced, and hopefully get promoted from SCL master division to the Challenger league division and will also be attending epicLAN and try to win the event or at least a top 2 finish! – MRHUI

With no official statement of the teams release appearing on TLR’s social media we reached out to Michael “chefinal” Robinson, the owner and founder of TLR, for a statement.

TLR Statement

Due to personal reasons I am stepping away from esports for an unknown period of time. Because of this I chose to let the TLR CSGO roster go so they could explore other avenues and not be held back. As a parting gift I left the epicLAN tickets assigned to the players so they could still attend the event. I with the team the best of luck at epicLAN, ESEA playoffs and the future. – Michael “chefinal” Robinson

TLR has been an esports organisation focused on the UK scene since 2003 and it has gone through periods of inactivity before so hopefully this isn’t the last we see of such a historic UK brand.

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