Home » London Lynx change four

London Lynx change four

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After a disappointing finish at i61 where London Lynx only managed a 13th-16th finish, the organisation has decided to have a complete roster overall. They have announced the addition of three new faces to their roster and an additional returning player. Usman ‘cybah‘ Ashraf will be rejoining London Lynx after announcing he would step down from the previous roster in late August.

Jake ‘jadam‘ Adams, Steven ‘Snakey‘ Dang and Ricky ‘MajorLeeMessedUp‘ Wong are all casualties of this roster revamp leaving Zain ‘TroubleN‘ Panjwani as the only player to survive.

Filling theses gaps sees the return of Luke ‘fearLess‘ Morris who has been very vocal on Twitter about wanting to return to competitive Counter Strike for a while now. He will be joined by the man who made a name for himself after a string of impressive performances online, Nick ‘nK‘ Feeney, and Man Ho ‘mrhui‘ Hui.

Luke “fearLess” Morris is back in the competitive UK CSGO scene in the new London Lynx lineup

Complete CSGO team lineup:
– Zain ‘TroubleN‘ Panjwani
– Luke ‘fearLess‘ Morris
– Usman ‘cybah‘ Ashraf
– Nick ‘nK‘ Feeney
– Man Ho ‘mrhui‘ Hui


“I’m excited to make my comeback to CS with this team under London LYNX. I feel we have the right mixture of young and old players to create a mature environment in which we can work together to succeed, this feels like a very strong lineup for me with a lot of potential and I’d like to thank Andy and Gareth at London LYNX for giving us their support. Time to start the grind!” – Luke ‘fearLess‘ Morris


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