On Sunday 4th June, Endpoint faced Into The Breach in the ESL Premiership Spring 2023 Grand Final, competing in a match for the top spot of the UK scene. Endpoint …
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The Journey of Byfield: From Endpoint stand-in to #2 in Spain
by Tom Colesby Tom ColesAlex “Byfield” Byfield, formerly known as Snodz, may not be the most famous name in UKCS, rather he is more well-known as a caster than for his short professional playing career, …
Just four months after he signed for the British esports organisation, Frederik “Fessor” Sørensen has parted ways with Endpoint through a mutual agreement. The Danish player was by no means …
Coming into this season Endpoint had won the tournament eight times, marking a great legacy in UKCS. However, after a mixture of their decline and others’ improvement, the gap is …
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NertZ: “Snappi is a top three [IGL] in the world in my opinion.”
by Dafyddby DafyddENCE breezed through the compeition during the Challengers Stage of the BLAST.tv Paris Major, going 3-0 and beating FaZe in a best-of-three. One day before the action of the Legends …
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Thomas: “If the Lord lets us line it up properly, we definitely have a shot at going through”
by Joshamptonby JoshamptonInto the Breach are already history makers, but can they take it a step further? Thomas “Thomas” Utting and company could become the first ever British team to win a …
During the media day of the BLAST.tv Paris Major, Joey “CRUC1AL” Steusel spoke with UKCSGO’s Dafydd Gwynn about the how the chaos of Cai “CYPHER” Watson and the stillness of …
The newest season of ESL Premiership is set to get underway today at 17:45 BST with Coalesce versus GEEKZ and Arctic Raptors versus Heaven & Hell kicking off proceedings. ESL …
There was lots of discussion surrounding Endpoint ahead of ESL Premiership Spring 2023. Many people and pundits believed that Endpoint wouldn’t be participating and according to sources close to the …
It’s unfair to say that the 2023 Into the Breach lineup came out of nowhere, because all their parts have in fact been around for years. However, the impact of …