UKIC season 5 Division 1 began last week with four matches going ahead. Seven teams have now competed in this opening week of play with Glitchtech getting off to a …
EPIC.LAN 42 is in full swing, and despite the weather in Kettering reaching 30°C with clear blue skies acting as a temptation for people to head out onto the lake. …
This weekend will see the start of the second season of the Gfinity elite series, and with it comes a number of familiar rosters as well as some shake-ups from …
The ESL Premiership has concluded. After a long online league saw the final teams whittled down to four, before those four being re-jigged before being reinstated, we had an exciting …
Live updates will be posted below, as and when the information within the article becomes outdated, or if any other interesting roster developments take place. All organisations were reached out …
Here at the first day of epicLAN, organisations are already hunting to find the perfect team to win them the top prize, and Rasta is now one of few sponsored …
Coming into the fifth week of the UK Masters, we are slowly concluding the outcome of the online portion of the event and we had some great games this week! …
We’re into Finals day over at the ESL UK Studios in Leicester, where the premiership will (naturally) meet it’s conclusion. The two semi-finals kicked today’s proceedings off, starting with TWM …
This weekend we will be seeing the conclusion of the UK ESL Premiership Spring Season 2016. The setting will be the new ESL UK studios up in Leicester which they …
Yesterday week 2 of the UK Masters play out with the first game being The Working Men facing off against Orgless. Going into the match, we saw both teams standing …