Home » Cryths rests his voice…kind of

Cryths rests his voice…kind of

The loudest man on LAN and back-to-back Epic winner has called time on his competitive cs career.

by arnie

Rory “Cryths” Ursell has announced that he is hanging up the mouse and keyboard, as he can no longer commit the amount of time needed in a competitive CSGO team.

Cryths’ retirement comes off the back of an extremely successful year, at least domestically, as he was crowned back-to-back Epic.LAN champion this year (at EPIC35 & 36). Cryths also secured a trophy alongside the Icelandic DUSTY team, with the team making a massive lower bracket run to secure the goods.

Cryths would find himself out of the squad soon after, and made his way to Oscar “LVN” Levin’s EKO lineup in time for the Spring iteration of ESL Premiership. The promising roster would not hold for long enough to see the true fruits of their labour though; as Jamie “JamieG” Grice departed the side to chase an exciting Academy opportunity and the team crumbled soon after.

Cryths would have one more triumphant run left in him though, at Epic.36. The rifler put together an all-star mix with the likes of Cai “CYPHER” Watson and Jack “JackB” Burton. With one of the most talented riflers the UK has produced, and the renegade AWPer in tow, the mix devastated the competition. Cryths and his team would beat out BLVKHVND in the grand final to lift the trophy; and Cryths would secure his status as back-to-back Epic.LAN winner.

Whilst his offline success in such a short time is impressive and the achievement of reaching #91 in the HLTV rankings is no small accomplishment, I think it is fair to say that Cryths will be fondly remembered not just for his in-game achievements. Always trying to be the loudest guy in the room, Cryths‘ trashtalk and screaming meant you could always pick him out in the LAN hall and, at least this we will be seeing again, as the rifler has stated on twitter he plans to be attending upcoming LANs with some more ”outrageous mixes”.

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