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UK Circuit partnership

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Earlier this year FACEIT released a new feature on their site that allowed the creation of “Hubs”. With this, we launched our UKCSGO Free-For-All hub which allowed players from all skill levels find games and meet new people inside the UK scene. At around the same time, Sliggy released his own collection of Hubs which were split up for different skill levels. Both projects got off to a good start but there was confusion in the scene over who was running what and why the two projects were so similar in some areas. Today though, we are pleased to announce a solution to deal with these issues – We’re joining forces.

UKCSGO and UK Circuit both want what’s best for the UK scene, and with our combined knowledge, experience and resources we feel we can put forward the best possible platform to help the UK scene thrive.

What is the UK Circuit?

The UK Circuit is a collection of FACEIT Hubs designed to increase the potential of the UK & Irish scene. We have created a stable platform that will get more players playing together consistently in a non-toxic and cheat-free environment

We are reaching out to all skill levels of the UK & Irish scene to compete in our hubs and try it out as we will be providing prizes for the higher leagues and a progression system for the lower ones. Players can use this as a way of playing with friends, or finding people with the same skill from the same country to create teams, mixes or just have fun inside your UK community. We want to help build a self-sustaining community that will help grow grassroots.

Our progression system will allow new Faceit players grind up each ranking all the way to UKPL, which will put them with and against the best players the UK has to offer in in-house pugs.

We are opening the queues for our pre-season on December 15th, giving everyone free access for 2 weeks. On the 1st January 2018 we will be launching our project, which will involve players using a subscription-based model of only £5 per month. This allows us to fund prizes, and maintain competitive play.

During the two-week pre-season, players can expect the following:
UKCL will have two qualification spots for UKPL (top 2 per month) & 50,000 Faceit Points
UKPL – 50,000 Faceit Points

More prizes will be announced upon our full launch on January 1st.

Our hub model is as follows:
UKPL – Invite only / qualification
UKCL – Level 9 & 10
Division 1 – Level 5 – 8 (*ELO Ladders)
Division 2 – Level 1 – 4 (*ELO Ladders)


*ELO ladders will allow players to play for FACEIT ELO when queuing our hubs, so that they can progress in levels.

Through the two-week free access period, we will be looking at the community to find admins to help moderate the hubs. If you think you are up to the task, apply here.

Be sure to share this with all your friends. A bigger hub gives you guys access to bigger prizes. Follow our twitter for updates.

Twitter: https://twitter.com/UK_ProLeague

We have created a platform with the support of FACEIT that will let UK players of all skills play together in the best environment possible, no cheaters, potential FPL Qualifier spot, multiple admins per division and prizes in the top two leagues giving all players something achievable to aim for.
It will take time and effort to rid ourselves of the #UKCS facade, I miss seeing UK teams competing at LANS like we did before, whether it be in this game or another iteration of CS. I want to build on the future. I know we have talent out there, it’s just a matter of finding it. – Connor “Sliggy” Blomfield

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